Nursing Rooms – Lot One


Hot/cold water dispenser, electrical point, 2 nursing rooms separated from main area by curtain, 2 changing stations, small waiting area.

The curtains make the breastfeeding room very insecure. You will have mothers popping their heads in to check availability of the cubicle, cleaners popping in to check if it the room was used correctly, kids popping in just for fun. All these happened the only time I nursed there and I wrote in to the management to explain to them the importance of privacy. In my next visit, signs have been pasted all around to explain to the public not to misuse the room. Still, I would advise the usage of a nursing cover even while nursing in the nursing room.

Changing Stations

Changing Stations

Waiting area

Waiting area

Nursing room with the curtain

Nursing room with the curtain

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